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Hosted At
Colorado Community Church
14000 E Jewell ave
Aurora, CO
January 18, 2020
1:00pm – 4:00pm
Prayer & Worship
Arrive at 12:30
Prayer & Worship 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Prayer Wall Outreach 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Download a list of Prayer Wall Outreaches
During this time we will seek God for healing across racial divides and injustices.
More details to come
We will also be collecting food, personal hygiene items, and winter clothing (socks, coats and gloves) to be donated to the: Denver Rescue Mission, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, the Fields Foundation in Aurora, and the Struggle of Love foundation in Montbello.
Our cities are divided by streets that have chained us to inequity, created walls of division, and borders of fear that keep us apart.
It’s time for faith communities to take a stand and turn every place of pain, into a place of prayer. It’s time to make our voices heard in heaven, and to publicly demonstrate the transforming power of God on the earth.
What is Pray on MLK?
Pray on MLK ( ) is One voice united in prayer-fueled, hope filled action. We believe Jesus Christ is the answer to the complex cultural challenges that exist within the U.S. and across the globe. In this national moment of “racial reckoning”, the Body of Christ must put feet to our faith by leading the nation in truth and reconciliation. To that end, we are seizing the federal Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday as an opportunity for the Church to take a united step forward through corporate prayer, worship, and public action. As we enter 2021, we are covenanting to usher in a new era of righteousness and justice in united pursuit of God’s dream for all people. As people of faith take their place on the walls of history through the simplicity of the Gospel, we hear the chains of iniquity breaking.
How does COVID-19 affect the event?
Please do not attend if you are feeling sick or experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms. Follow social distancing guidelines by keeping a distance of at least 6 feet, wear your mask or face-covering at all times, and use hand sanitizer before you come and when you leave.
Why are people wearing masks or tape with handwriting over their mouths?
While our voices are silent in the protest, our prayers are still being heard in heaven. In Isaiah 6, the prophet beholds the Lord of glory and realizes that he is a man of unclean lips and he lives among a people of unclean lips. The white tape symbolizes God’s purification of our lips and our hearts. The tape also allows us to protest in solidarity with those whose voices have been silenced due to acts of injustice
Will the event be rescheduled if there is rain?
Pray on MLK will happen rain or shine. Please come prepared for any type of weather.
Do I need to register?
Registering helps us know how many people to expect and gives a way to contact you directly in case of any changes arise (weather plans, etc).
What should I do if people begin to protest Pray on MLK near me?
Pray on MLK is a peaceful prayer demonstration. We recommend assigning certain people to answer questions from passersby. PLEASE NOTE: Though we encourage open dialogue with those who may disagree with what we are standing for, we also acknowledge that emotions are running high during this time. We ask that you refrain from communication that you foresee becoming belligerent or engaging in conversations that go against the spirit of Pray On MLK.
Does it cost?
No. Pray on MLK is a free event, but we ask that you register so that we can properly plan, including resources, social distancing, etc.
Connect with fellow citizens, leaders, and peacemakers. Interact with creative presentations. Eat, drink, and dive into meaningful conversations.
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